LIGO Document G1200110-v3

BSC Cable Trays … again: Evaluation of an LLO Proposal for an Alternative Design

Document #:
Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
Other Versions:
BSC Cable Trays … again: Evaluation of an LLO Proposal for an Alternative Design
Notes and Changes:
Revised after CDS meeting at which -v2 was discussed. Changes:
1) Includes answers to questions raised in the meeting
2) Notes that decision is to proceed with the baseline design
3) Notes the following actions to be taken:
a) [Richard McCarthy] Revise BSC tray drawing set (D1100430) to indicate final design, as implemented at LHO
b) [Dennis Coyne] Complete the cable tray layout drawings specifically for LLO (don’t rely upon LHO versions) and cite minimum tray size & provide reference to BSC tray drawing set (D1100430) on the layout drawings

4/24/2012: added "BSC-to-BSC tray location" files to show the location of the trays that interconnect between the trays which ring the BSC chambers

Referenced by:

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