LIGO Document E1200685-v6

aLIGO BSC-ISI , "Common Documentation" (List of all DCC trees, wikis, and general documentation)

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
This documentation was presented by Fabrice at review telecon on 31st March 2015. 5 items were added to T1400616 googledocs punchlist of which four remain open, to be covered under OPs.

Root DCC entry for the aLIGO BSC-ISI acceptance of all the "Common" documentation (following the procedure given in M1100282 and per the format given in template E1300457)

It includes all the documentation that is common to all the BSC-ISI instances (Design reviews, Drawings, Assembly Procedures, Testing Procedures...)

Follow the links provided under 'related documents' (or in the E1200685 document) to get to the acceptance documents

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