LIGO Document E0900364-v7

Metal components intended for use in the Adv LIGO Vacuum System

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
02 Dec 2020, 07:03
09 Jun 2020, 09:33
11 Mar 2011, 10:58
Metal components intended for use in the Adv LIGO Vacuum System
Notes and Changes:
1) This new release covers the removal of bright dip from the description as an allowed process for cleaning Alum. The replacement is to chemically clean / etch by acid and / or caustic processes the parts and weldment's.

2) It also clarified the surface finish call-out on sheet metal as 32 micro-inch (Ra) and the exceptions allowed, section 4.9

3) It also clarify's the use of electropolish for Alumimun (internal note - refer to new vendor list)

Calum Torrie

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