LIGO Document L1400006-x0

Fabrication Acceptance Review Documents and Status

Document #:
Document type:
L - Letters and Memos
This DCC page has most of the DCC numbers for the pages used to track the reviewers questions and record the completion of Acceptance Reviews. This information is on G1300115 the Fabrication Acceptance Review Tracker and is meant to be used only to make it easy to find the useful pages during Acceptance Review meetings. There is additional tracking information of Final Design and their reviews at E1400388.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
Magenta means Systems has approved.
Green means ready for Systems to begin final review.
Orange means almost ready for Systems to begin final review.
Red means either not ready for Systems to begin final review or Major problem prevents completion of review.

A. Auxiliary Optical Systems

    1. Initial Alignment Systems - E1300547, Punch List E1400347 All Punch List items resolved as of March 31, 2015. Review Complete with creation of Bug List Items.
    2. Optical Levers - T1400232, Punch List L1300227 All Punch List items resolved as of March 3, 2015. Review Complete.
    3. Photon Calibrator - T1400283 - Punch List L1400166 Resolved Items 12, Unresolved Items 22. Review Complete.
    4. Stray Light Control and Viewports - T1400233, Punch List E1300806 All Punch List items resolved as of March 3, 2015. In the SLC OFI FDR several items were never resolved. These items were tracked in L1500047 and on March 31, 2015 they were moved to the Operations Bug List. Review Complete.
    5. Transmission Monitoring Telescope and Suspension - T1400282, Punch List L1300226 All Punch List items Resolved as of March 12, 2015. Review Complete.
    6. Thermal Compensation System - Review Complete
       a. Ring Heater - T1400004, Punch List L1400150 All Punch List items resolved. Review Complete.
       b. Hartmann Sensor - T1400005, Punch List L1400149 All Punch List items resolved. Review Complete.
       c. CO2 laser Projector - T1400006, Punch List L1400148 All Punch List items resolved. Review Complete.

B. Core Optics - E1300769, Metrology punch list E1500171, All Punch List items resolved as of March 31, 2015. Review Complete.

C. DAQ - T1400534, Punch List E1300883 - Review completed

D. FMP - E1300460, no punch list needed - Review Completed
    1. Facilities Modifications - E1300450
    2. Tooling - E1300451
    3. Software - E1300452

E. Input Optics - E1300793 (Punch List for IO FDR Review Punch List L1400173, All Punch List items resolved as of April 1, 2015. Review Complete with creation of Bug List Items.

    1. PSL Table - T1300607 - Punch List L1400147, All Punch List items resolved as February 19, 2015. Review Complete.
    2. HAM2 - T1300897, Punch List L1400155, All Punch List items resolved as of April 1, 2015. Review Complete with creation of Bug List Items.
    3. HAM3 - T1300896, Punch List L1400156, All Punch List items resolved as of April 1, 2015. Review Complete with creation of Bug List Items.
    4. Input Optics Tables - T1300900, Punch List L1400157, All Punch List items resolved as of April 1, 2015. Review Complete with creation of Bug List Items.
    5. HAM Aux SUS - T1300680, Punch List L1400158, All Punch List items resolved as of April 1, 2015. Review Complete with creation of Bug List Items.
    6. Electro Optic Modulator - T1300608, Punch List L1400159, All Punch List items resolved as of February 18, 2015. Review Complete.
    7. Power Control - T1300898, Punch List - L1400167, All Punch List items resolved as of April 1, 2015. Review Complete with creation of Bug List Items.
    8. Input Mode Cleaner - T1300899 , Punch List created L1400160 All Punch List items resolved as of January 18, 2015. Review Complete.
    9. Input Faraday Isolator - T1300605, Punch List created L1400161 All Punch List items resolved as of February 17, 2015. Review Complete.

F. Interferometer Sensing and Control - In review by Whitcomb et. al. - Punch List E1400172, Resolved Items 0, Unresolved Items 29

    1. ISC RF Demodulators and Phase Frequency Discriminators, Acceptance - E1300827
    2. ISC Custom Optics, Acceptance - E1300854
    3. ISC Signal Conditioning Electronics, Acceptance - E1300973
    4. ISC Beam Diverters: Acceptance Documentation - E1400011
    5. ISC RF System, Acceptance Documentation - E1400081
    6. ISC Custom Photodetectors: Acceptance Documentation - E1400145
    7. ISC Common Mode Servos - E1400194
    8. ISC Tip-Tilt Mounts - E1300878
    9. ISC Fast Shutters - E1500050
    10. ISC In-Air Tables - E1400395
    11. ISC In-Vacuum Tables - E1400479
    12. ISC Electronics Racks - E1500003
    13. ISC Arm Length Stabilization (ALS) - E1500156
    14. ISC LSC Real-Time Model - self documented
    15. ISC ASC Real-Time Model - self documented
    16. ISC Slow Controls - E1500178
    17. ISC OMC - E1500008

G. Prestabilized Laser (PSL) - E1200038 - Review Completed
    1. L1 - E1200039, punch list (sect5, E1100716 done)
    2. H1 - E1200040, punch list L1400133
    3. I1 - E1300765, punch list L1400133

H. SEI - In review by C. Torrie et. al. - punch list T1400616, Resolved items 20, Unresolved items 71

    1. HEPI: common doc E1200687; units E1200690; Review complete
    2. HAM ISI: common doc E1200686; units E1200689; Review complete
    3. BSC ISI: common doc E1200685; Review complete

I. Suspensions - E1400019, punch list T1400181 - All punch list items resolved as of February 23, 2015. Review Completed

    1. Output Mode Cleaner, E1201043
    2. HAM Small Triple, E1201040
    3. HAM Large Triple, E1201041
    4. Beam Splitter, E1201039
    5. Quadruple, E1201038

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