LIGO Document F080008-v8

Advanced LIGO Inventory Database PO/Line Parts Import Template

Document #:
Document type:
F - Forms and Templates
Other Versions:
To provide and easy to use tool for system owners and vendors to supply LIGO teams with a list of detailed Parts data. This list of parts must be in the format on the Excel Spreadsheet for proper import into the Inventory Database, otherwise the import function will fail.

How to Use:
--Select from drop down menu the Subsystem the parts belong to. Only import parts for a single Subsystem at any given time.

--Enter in required information on Parts Details Tab: Drawing, Revision, Type, Serial Number, Name.

--Type: Default value for type should be entered as "00". If your drawing supports multiple types of components, then use this field to indicate the type designation (i.e. "01", "02" or "A1", "A2").

--Serial Number: Enter part serial number unless it does not have one, then enter N/A
Attempt to fill in as much information on the non required side of the spreadsheet.

--Once import of bulk parts is complete, use the web based interface to the inventory database to make modifications, add information, or associate with a PO/Line record.

--For the time being save this spreadsheet upon completion locally. When the Inventory Database and import utility are complete, instructions will be sent on how to add these to the database.

For further help in constructing an Import Spreadsheet, please refer to the sample file attached to this Document Number, and call or email Mick Flanigan for further information or assistance.

Files in Document:
Other Files:

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