LIGO Document E1700333-v1

Optical Contamination Cavity Test Results: Kester 6337 (Sn63Pb37) Solder

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21 Sep 2017, 13:40
E960022 refers to the solder for use in the UHV as Kester 6337 (Sn63Pb37) and also refers to a deflux solution. We typically deflux with isopropyl alcohol to dissolve rosin residues.

We tested a solder sample in the optical contamination cavity (16-Jan-2004 email from Liyuan Zhan):
After 1700 hrs, got an 0.1 ppm sigma of the absorption rate fitting. With this result, absorption -0.1+-0.1 ppm/year and total loss -0.7+-0.8 ppm/yr, the sample should meet the advance LIGO requirement. We, however, could not substract the pumping background effect because we have not done the similar reference test (with no sample). The reference test result of ~800 hrs is: absorption -0.2+-0.7 ppm/yr and -5+-2 ppm/yr, if we use it to do a conservative estimation, the absorption rate is a little bit too high. Since the running time is one time longer than before, we may assume that the background down slope is weaker. So, is it worth doing an about 1700 hrs reference test? or just neglect the background effect, taking into account of other factors, e.g., two mirrors' measurement, a pumping scale of ~50 between our test and LIGO.

For RGA test results for a cleaned solder sample, see E1700332.

See also the "clean soldering procedure", T1300040, which captures our approach to creating & cleaning solder joints which are acceptable for LIGO UHV service.

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