Document List by Author

Tara Chalermsongsak of Mahidol University International College is listed as an author on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
G1400559-v2 [Thesis] High Fidelity Probe and Mitigation of Mirror Thermal Fluctuations (Defense Presentation) Tara Chalermsongsak Detector
13 Dec 2017
P1700454-v1 [Thesis] High Fidelity Probe and Mitigation of Mirror Thermal Fluctuations Koji Arai et al. Basic R&D
12 Dec 2017
G1601695-v3 MUIC presentation for LSC Tara Chalermsongsak Proposals
25 Aug 2016
T1400402-v1 High fidelity probe and mitigation of mirror thermal fluctuations Tara Chalermsongsak Core Optics
26 Sep 2014
T1400245-v1 Distributing Frequency Stabilized Light via Fiber Optics Tara Chalermsongsak et al. Laser Systems
31 Aug 2014
T0900239-v1 AOS: Optical Lever and Viewport Conceptual Design Robert Schofield et al. Auxiliary Optics
19 May 2009
D1002485-v2 Schematic for PMC servo card Tara Chalermsongsak Laser Systems
20 Sep 2010
T1000096-v1 Test on Super Luminescent LED as a Light Source for Optical Lever System Cheryl Vorvick et al. Auxiliary Optics
22 Apr 2010
T1000157-v1 Optical Lever: Longterm test of the Laser Diode Tara Chalermsongsak et al. Auxiliary Optics
25 Mar 2010
G1000309-v1 Optical lever for AdvLIGO Tara Chalermsongsak Meeting
Auxiliary Optics
15 Mar 2010
T0900651-v1 Stability of Beam Position between PC and APC Fiber under Vibration Tara Chalermsongsak et al. Auxiliary Optics
15 Feb 2010
T1000070-v1 Optical Lever: Signal Instabilities due to Power Fluctuation Tara Chalermsongsak et al. Auxiliary Optics
15 Feb 2010
L1000003-v3 Ear Fabrication Readiness Review Gregg Harry et al. Final Design
15 Jan 2010
G080271-x0 Thermal Noise in Optimized Coatings - Akira Villar talk at 2008 Coating Workshop Eric Black et al. Document Migration
21 Apr 2008
G080131-x0 Thermal Noise Interferometer Advisory Board Review - LSC/Virgo Collaborations Meeting @ Caltech, March 17-20, 2008 Eric Black et al. Document Migration
04 Apr 2008
G070704-x0 Thermal Noise Interferometer: Update and Status - LSC/Virgo Collaborations Meeting, October 22-25 2007, Hannover Germany Eric Black et al. Document Migration
30 Oct 2007
G070747-x0 From the TNI: Optimized Coatings & Improved Accuracy - LSC/Virgo Collaborations Meeting, October 22-25 2007, Hannover Germany Eric Black et al. Document Migration
30 Oct 2007

Number of documents found: 17

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