LIGO Document T1400339-v3

Characterization of Hardware Injections in LIGO Data

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T - Technical notes
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20 Oct 2014, 13:08
There are simulated astrophysical signals in LIGO’s data that were injected into the detectors by moving the test masses. The simulated signals should appear more or less exactly at the labeled times as real signals. The goal of this project is to retrieve every hardware injection by implementing a matched filter search for the signals. Templates for gravitational waves caused by compact binary coalescences in both time and frequency domains will be written and used in the matched filter search. The frequency domain template will be applied to the data from the detector and the result will undergo an inverse Fourier transformation so that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the signal can be computed. The power spectral density needed for the matched filter search will be computed using a Gaussian noise process. Once all of the signals are retrieved, the SNR will be plotted against the expected SNR to determine the accuracy of the detectors.

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