LIGO Document T1000689-v1

Stress and Deflection Analysis of the TMS Large Motion Restraint Design

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T - Technical notes
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The Transmission Monitor Suspension (TMS) is restrained from large motion (swinging) by an assembly which attaches to the BSC chamber. The BSC chamber deflects during pump down due to the large atmospheric pressure loads. An analysis was conducted to insure that the TMS large motion restraint system (a) does not deflect so much that it contacts the suspended TMS payload and (b) is not over-stressed.
It is recommended that the TMS Seismic Safety Stop Chamber Brackets (D1001929-v1, Left and D1001938-v1, Right) be no greater than 0.125 inch thick and that they be comprised of 10% (or greater) cold rolled 302 stainless steel.
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