LIGO Document E1101195-x0

DCN - HLTS Odds and Ends

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
This is a DCN for part and assembly drawings of parts and assemblies for the HLTS.
Files in Document:
DCN SUS HLTS fixture
Notes and Changes:
D070441-v6: Corrected errors in previous versions. v6 is correct and matches as-built parts.
D0902665-v3, D0902662-v3, D0902661-v3, D0902459-v3: Added cutout for viewing of the prism/optic interface to D0902665. Changed Rounded End PFA caps (D1101648) to Semi-Rounded End PFA caps (D1102161).
D1001133-v2: Added flaps to allow for the use of an optical lever.
D1102344-v1: Initial release.
D1102343-v1: Initial release.
D1102345-v1: Initial release.

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