LIGO Document D980184-x0

LOS Clamp, Long

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
07 Feb 2011, 11:25
08 Jun 2009, 15:06
This is a part drawing of the Long LOS Clamp.
Files in Document:
Other Files:
dog clamp
Notes and Changes:

Rev D980184-B-D:
- Full document number: LIGO-D980184-B-D
- Author(s): Janeen Hazel Romie; Calum Torrie
- Document date: 1998-08-11
- Document received date: 1998-08-11
- Document entry date: 1998-08-11
- ContDocNo: V073-4-MT4, Rev 0

Rev D980184-A-D:
- Full document number: LIGO-D980184-A-D
- Author(s): Janeen Hazel Romie; Calum Torrie
- Document date: 1998-04-22
- Document received date: 1998-05-05
- Document entry date: 1998-05-05
- ContDocNo: V073-4-MT4, Rev 0

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