LIGO Document D0901154-v2

AdvLIGO Systems, BSC10-H1 Top Level Chamber Assembly

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
11 Apr 2013, 11:51
AdvLIGO Systems, BSC10-H1 Top Level Chamber Assembly
Notes and Changes:
Notes: -
1. Please find the chamber level drawings included as both .pdf's and e-drawings. A plan view .jpg is also included. We have included dimensions, views and configurations that we feel will be useful. Additions can be made but users should remember that they can measure and move items using e-drawings.
2. All of the associated SolidWorks (SW) files are available on the PDMWorks Vault.
3. In the SW files the laser beam can be viewed down to chamber level. In the DCC documents, above, the laser beam can be seen in either the .jpg or e-drawings.

Punch (Snag) List: -
1. Need to add image of layout with chamber location highlighted (sheet 1).
2. Need to add bill of materials and balloons (sheet 2 of 4).
3. In general need to update to same level as D0900405.
4. Need to add cross-section-vertical through laser beam.

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