LIGO Document C960366-v1

Design Document Revisions - Design Calculations for CDRL`s 10 & 24 - CDRL 10 & 24, DRD 03

Document #:
Document type:
C - Contractual or procurement
Other Versions:
Revision of the Beam Tube Module Detailed Design Calculations document. This is CB&I's revision #2 of this document (dated 22-May-1997). This update was based on measured expansion joint (bellows) spring rates for the first 111 expansion joints. These revised loads were also captured in the “Interface Control Document for the Beam Tube and the Beam Tube Slab”, C960739-x0 (dated 11-Apr-1996).
Notes and Changes:
Referenced by:

DCC Version 3.4.3, contact Document Database Administrators