LIGO Document T2100512-v8

Characteristic Hyperparameter Values for Power Law + Dip + Break Model in GWTC-3

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
17 Aug 2022, 05:29
This document contains the maximum posterior draw of the two Power Law + Dip + Break models highlighted in
(described in detail in, when fit to events in GWTC-3 with a FAR 1/4 per year.

There are 7 files in this document:
* README.html contains some examples and minimal instructions on how to use the other files
* O1O2O3all_mass_g_iid_mag_iid_tilt_powerlaw_redshift_maxP_sample.json is a json file with the value of each hyperparameter at the maximum-hyperposterior draw for the independent pairing model
* O1O2O3all_mass_g_iid_mag_iid_tilt_powerlaw_redshift_mass_maxP_pdf.h5 is an hdf5 file with the model evaluated at this draw.
* O1O2O3all_mass_h_iid_mag_iid_tilt_powerlaw_redshift_maxP_sample.json is a json file with the value of each hyperparameter at the maximum-hyperposterior draw for the power law pairing model
* O1O2O3all_mass_h_iid_mag_iid_tilt_powerlaw_redshift_mass_maxP_pdf.h5 is an hdf5 file with the model evaluated at this draw.
* O1O2O3all_mass_h_iid_mag_iid_tilt_powerlaw_redshift_maxP_events.h5 is an hdf5 file with 10^6 samples drawn from this model


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