LIGO Document T1700533-v1

Collection of contamination flakes scraped off of LHO XMB

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
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Dozens of spots of contamination were noticed inside the x-beam manifold of LHO's corner station, on the surface of the SS tube near the cryo-baffle. Spots ranged in size from 1 mm to 1 inch in diameter. Chandra Romel and Rakesh Kumar were able to scrape samples off of the metal tube and collect on two FBI adhesive viles to send out for analysis (mailed to Calum Torrie). All spots identified were cleaned with IPA but left a stain on the tube surface. aLOGs for more information: &
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Notes and Changes:
JPL results here:

-Particles showed a reddish / brown, flakey appearance when viewed at magnification.
-Analysis by x-ray fluorescent microscope showed the particles to consist mainly of Iron. The results are shown in the table below.
-Iron oxide was detected by Raman Spectroscopy.

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