LIGO Document T1500246-v2

Searching for gravitational waves from the coalescence of high mass black hole binaries

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Document type:
T - Technical notes
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We aim to detect gravitational wave signals from the coalescence (inspiral, merger and final black hole ring-down) of compact binary systems (neutron stars and/or black holes) with data from the advanced detectors (LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA). The merger signal from the coalescence of low-mass systems (binary neutron stars) tends to lie above the LIGO. Frequency band; only the inspiral phase is detectable. For higher mass systems (involving black holes, each of mass greater than 5 solar masses), the merger and final ringdown are also detectable. We search for these signals using analysis pipelines which filter all the data, identify triggers of interest, form coincident triggers between multiple detectors in the network, and attempt to optimally separate signal from detector background noise fluctuations. The size of these noise fluctuations in the advanced detectors is currently unknown. We use simulated signal injections to evaluate the sensitivity of the search pipeline. The analysis pipeline has numerous parameters that can be tuned to improve the sensitivity. In this project, we will run high-statistics simulations to evaluate the search sensitivity as the analysis parameters are tuned, to arrive at optimal settings under different anticipated noise fluctuation conditions. This project will develop experience and skills in statistical analysis, high throughput computing and the Linux/Unix environment.
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Notes and Changes:
SURF15, Lau, KaTung (Otto):

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