LIGO Document T1200324-v18

Test Mass Optics: Summary of Location, Type, Method of Suspension, Install Dates

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
Test Mass Optics: Summary of Location, Type, Method of Suspension, Install Dates

This document captures details such as:
whether optics are pilot or final
what type of suspension (wire loops or monolithic)
transfers of suspension between different chambers
current expected install dates

Notes and Changes:
v2 has further info on install dates and schedule IDs.
This is still a work in progress. In particular install dates need further attention.
v3 has been updated to dates taken from v34 of schedule (1 Jan 2013)
v4 has been updated to dates from v35 of schedule (1 Feb 2013).
v5 has been updated to dates from v37 of schedule (1 April 2013)
Significant changes:
LHO BSC3 final optic insert brought forward, BSC10 pushed back
LLO BSC4 and 5 final optic inserts brought forward
v6 updated using v39 of install schedule (G1000061)
Significant change is removal of pilot optic hang for BSC5 at LLO - will go straight to monolithic. Also updated serial numbers of optics.
v7 updated 13 June 2013. We now have both ETMs at LLO going straight to final optic.
v8 updated 25 July 2013.
v9 updated 28 Aug 2013. Main changes are to ITMX and ITMY at LHO. The upcoming installs will both be wire hangs of 'new' pilot optics, with final monolithic hangs delayed to summer/autumn of 2014.
v10 updated 17 Sept 2013.
v11 updated 10 Oct 2013
v12 updated 4 Nov 2013. Incorporates info from newly released interim update to schedule at LHO M1200251-v17. New plan has ITMy and ITMx both being welded with final optics in March 2014.
v13 updated 6th Nov using G1000061-v47
v14 updated 4th Dec 2013 using G1000061-v48
v15 updated 10th Jan using G1000061-v49 and input from LHO staff.
v16 updated 11th Feb 2014 using G1000061-v50 and dates from SUS team
v17 updated 11th Mar 2014 using G1000061-v51
v18 updated 7th April 2014 using G1000061-v52.

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