LIGO Document T010075-v2

Advanced LIGO Systems Design

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
17 Feb 2015, 17:55
15 Apr 2024, 06:29
15 Apr 2024, 06:29
This document describes the system design and requirements for the Advanced LIGO detectors. This version has been prepared for the Advanced LIGO Systems Final Design Review
(September 2009), and is a minor update from version T010075-01.
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Notes and Changes:
Pending changes for the as-built version of this document:
1) The PCal Design Requirements & Conceptual Design Review report (L070051-00) states ±5% accuracy. (This is to be compared to current S5 & S6 calibration of ±10% (1 sigma).) The System Design Description incorrectly states ±2% accuracy; This will be corrected in the next revision.

2) Related: there are in June 2014 two PCal design requirements documents in the DCC. T070125 is obsolete, and T1100044 is current. There may be contents in 125 that should be in 044. The pointer in the Systems document should be updated.

3) Some minor revisions to reflect the fact that the H2 interferometer is to be identical to H1 and L1 and sited at a third location.

4) There are also a number of small parameter changes to be updated, e.g. Schnupp asymmetry is 8 cm (not 5 cm), Fabry-Perot arm cavity maximum power is 750 kW (not 800 kW), SRM initial transmission is 35% (not 20%), etc. (See P1400177)

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