LIGO Document G1600769-v5

Projected sensitivities towards aLIGO+

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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Curves are as follows:

- O1 (H1 curve from Detector paper, representative of O1)
- O2 projection: best H1 sensitivity measured during O1, with 50W input power
- aLIGO+ curve: masses = 40kg, 12 dB injected squeezing with 15% input/readout losses, a 100 m filter cavity with 20 ppm loss (no other technical noises included), coating thermal noise a factor of 2 lower than in aLIGO
- aLIGO+ with no coating thermal noise improvements is the same as above, but with coating thermal noise as aLIGO design.

Ranges are calculated following the new updated version of GWINC (SVN revision 2757), which has range calculations including cosmology (see John Miller's T1500491). Ranges shown here are comoving ranges.

The corresponding FutureRates plot needs to be updated
The second plot, FutureRatesPlot.pdf, is made using the rates paper P1500217 (v14). In particular, everything is scaled to the Lambda' number for O1 that is given in Figure 6 of that paper (median value of 4.5). All other numbers scale as the volume, using the comoving ranges in the first plot, and the observing time.

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Notes and Changes:
incorporated comments for DAWN workkshop

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