LIGO Document G1600707-x0

Detection of Gravitational Waves with an Optical Interferometer at Quantum Limits

Document #:
Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
Recently, the advanced LIGO detectors operated by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration made the first direct terrestrial recordings of gravitational waves emitted during the inspiral and merger of two stellar mass black holes, from about 1.3 billion light years away. These detectors are optical interferometers operating at their quantum optical shot noise limit, with many interesting physical and technological innovations incorporated to reach a strain sensitivity below 10^-23 in the relevant frequency range. I will describe the important and path-breaking discovery, the detectors and the implications to future astronomy. The recent events have lead to the approval by the Union cabinet for the Indian gravitational wave detector project LIGO-India. I will briefly mention the salient features of the LIGO-India project and its place in the global gravitational wave detectors' network of the next decade.
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Slide set for public talk, colloquium and general talks in conferences

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