LIGO Document E2000003-v2

Aplus Vacuum Feedthrough Performance Requirements

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
Associated with the procurement of the Aplus vacuum feedthroughs, a requirements document has been created. Electrical, mechanical, and vacuum related requirements are specified
Files in Document:
  • PDF Version (AplusVacuumFeedThroughRequirements_v2.pdf, 113.2 kB)
Other Files:
  • Word Version (AplusVacuumFeedThroughRequirements_v2.docx, 35.3 kB)
Notes and Changes:
Version 2 captures changes provided by Dennis Coyne.

Item 2.1 had the addition of the manufacturer's part number.
Item 2.2 was clarified in terms of steel type.
Item 2.5 was clarified to reflect "Total" leak rate and wording was added such that the leak rate reflects the aggregate total leak rate, not a multiple of leaks.

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