LIGO Document E080041-x0

Specification: Mirror Blank Material, Adv. LIGO Recycling Mirror 3

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
12 May 2009, 09:07
Specification: Mirror Blank Material, Adv. LIGO Recycling Mirror 3
Files in Document:
Other Files:
PR3 SR3 blank
Notes and Changes:
revision -v1 is identical to -A (consequence of change to new DCC)
Rev E080041-A-D:
- Full document number: LIGO-E080041-A-D
- Author(s): Vagesh Parameshwariah
- Document date: 2008-04-04
- Document received date: 2008-04-11
- Document entry date: 2008-04-11
Referenced by:

DCC Version 3.4.3, contact Document Database Administrators