LIGO Document D0902541-v2

Diaphragm, Vert GS-13, aLIGO BSC-ISI

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
09 Feb 2010, 13:49
Circular sheet of stainless steel used to clamp the cantilevered end of the Vertical GS-13 Pods to the Keel of Stage 2 of the BSC ISI. The diaphragm provides stiffness in-plane, while allowing for some small amount of mismatch in the overall height of the Pod and Keel interface surfaces.
Notes and Changes:
See DCN E1000178

[the following is an email exchange with a machine shop (A. Stein):

Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:23 PM

It’s a mistake on the drawing. It looks like those OD and ID dimensions are picking the wrong side of the .02 x 45 chamfers. Please follow what you’ve measured from the model.

Also, you can switch out 90deg wherever 82deg is called out for countersink angles.


Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:54 PM
To: Andy Stein
Subject: D0902541-V2

Howdy Andy,

On the model for D0902541-V2 the ID is 8.25 and the OD is 12.75. The print calls for ID to be 8.29 and OD to be 12.71. Which would you folks like, print or model? Also, it calls for 82 deg chamfers on the holes. Could these be 90 deg chamfers?//]

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