LIGO Document D0900537-v2

LHO As Built HAM6 optical layout

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
26 Mar 2009, 14:11
26 Mar 2009, 02:17
This document records the best known measurements of HAM6 at LHO, including the OMC and suspensions in ZEMAX format.
Files in Document:
Other Files:
Notes and Changes:
Added beam dump between TT1 and OMC to block DC PD beam splitter.

Shifted OMC-SUS by 40 mm in (global coordinates) +X.

Change to Zemax Archive method of saving files.

In this zemax, TT0 is -2 m ROC, TT1 is 0.5 m ROC, and TT2 is 2 m ROC.

Referenced by:

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