LIGO Document T2200343-v3

GstLAL O4 Online Documents

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
25 Apr 2023, 14:09
17 Feb 2023, 12:51
Files used for the GstLAL AllSky online analysis in O4. This includes: template banks, mass models, and pastro model files. The mchirp pastro model file has been removed in this version (v2). The pastro model is a simplified version of Heather's thesis.

The manifold hash used to generate the Salpeter mass models (H1L1V1-MANIFOLD_SALPETER_BBH-0-2000000000.h5, H1L1V1-MANIFOLD_SALPETER_BNS-0-2000000000.h5, H1L1V1-MANIFOLD_SALPETER_NSBH-0-2000000000.h5) is "b8896516d9ce9de99903a3e750bab44b371d5f0a".

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