LIGO Document T1700011-v1

Dynamic beam profile shaping for Adaptive Optics in Advanced LIGO

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
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In Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) absorption of the interferometer's laser in the optics causes thermal deformation that
has negative effects on the interferometer's performance. Currently, aLIGO uses a thermal compensation system
with a static heating beam profile to correct this deformation. Due to the constant change in thermal distortion patterns, future systems would benefit from dynamic beam
shaping. An active beam shaping device is to be implemented onto the optical setup in such way that the steel mask, currently being used, will no longer be needed. A simple reflection from this device would allow us to control the intensity pattern. The main aim of this project is to implement a MEMs mirror array chip in order to have real-time control
of the shape of the beam to accurately compensate the deformation of the test masses. We investigated how to
program the chip and see if we could control the shape and intensity levels of the beam being reflected off this
array. Testing was also done to determine the damage threshold of the chip.
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Notes and Changes:
Regina Apodaca Final Report SURF 2016, public version

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