LIGO Document T1600168-v5

Determining the final spin of a binary black hole system including in-plane spins: Method and checks of accuracy

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
06 Aug 2016, 21:11
We describe a simple extension to aligned-spin fits for the final spin of a binary black hole system that includes the contribution from the in-plane spins. We show that this addition gives good agreement with the final spin from a suite of 752 numerical relativity simulations when applied to the aligned-spin fit from Healy, Lousto, and Zlochower (HLZ). This agreement is increased if one evolves the spins using post-Newtonian expressions. We also show that the unmodified HLZ final mass fit gives good agreement with the numerical relativity data.
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Notes and Changes:
Public version of LIGO-T1600162
v2: Incorporates reviewer comments
v3: Add a reference, include reviewers as authors, and include DOI links in the bibliography
v4: Add acknowledgments for NR waveforms
v5: Add remaining NR people to acknowledgments
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