LIGO Document S1900052-v5
- A modified CLF RFPD 6.25MHZ photo-detector circuit using PCB D1101124 and chassis D1101176. This circuit includes a manufactured coil using micro-metals core T25-6 AL=2.7, final inductance 5.976uH. Calculated series resistance 8.75ohms and Photodiode parameters are C=108pF, Fc=6.25MHz, Q=26.824. Measured noise is -128.8dBm/Hz. Calculated noise equivalent photocurrent is 20.8x10-6/Hz
Upon receipt at LHO, this unit was modified slightly (see eTraveler) and the shot noise equivalent photocurrent (SNEP) was remeasured to be 10.5uA (Fc = 6.25MHz, Q = 27.65, Output Noise = -131.5 dBm/Hz, L = 5.98uH)
- E-Traveler (S1900052.44184cb74d26c47c023f32df9c70e3b0d7507eb5, 1.4 kB)
- Other Files:
This unit was send to LHO on 2-26-19
This units was modify at LLO, R1 was replaced by a 10Kohms, and L7 was moved and the leads were cut. C26 was added to the circuit to help on the adjustment of resonant frequency. The final current noise was around 10x10-6Amp/Hz 03-05-2019
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