LIGO Document P2400360-v1

Comments on GWD Vacuum Workshop at CERN, March 27-29 2023

Document #:
Document type:
P - Publications
Other Versions:
The CERN Vacuum Surfaces and Coatings group, led by Paolo Chiggiato, hosted "Beampipes for Gravitational Wave Telescopes 2023" in Geneva from 27 through 29 March, 2023. This was an expanded followup to the "NSF Workshop on Large Ultrahigh Vacuum Systems for Frontier Scientific Research" (P1900072), hosted at LIGO Livingston in January 2019. This summary of key meeting findings was prepared by F. Dylla on behalf of LIGO Laboratory attendees.
Files in Document:
  • PDF (Comments on GWD wksp at CERN_2023[7_rev2-1.pdf, 116.9 kB)
Other Files:
vacuum 3G workshop report
Notes and Changes:
The meeting agenda, attendance and presentations have been archived on the CERN INDICO site at

(CERN guest credentials are required for access)

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