LIGO Document M1900207-v4

Record of Decision/Agreement (RODA): A+ Viewports

Document #:
Document type:
M - Management or Policy
Other Versions:
This is where all decisions and spec information for the A+ viewports procurement will be documented.

Questions for Input:
- Are these all the viewports needed?
- Are these viewports all in the right places?
- Is the buy list inclusive of everything we'll need?
- Are the listed coating specs the correct specs and are they efficient enough to get the right quality of glass purchased?

Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
V2 Change: ATF and Precision Photonics have since merged so our second vendor to bid for the high quality viewport optic will be FiveNine Optics.

V3 Change: 3rd General Access Port added (#20 on HAM7 -Y Door) per request by Robert Schofield.

V4 Change: CVI added to vendors list for glass (per Peter's suggestion), #12 port moved in layout to better represent positioning, and #19 port moved from -X door to -Y door for better view of the HSTS and easier access (per Lee's suggestion).

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