LIGO Document G2401301-v1

Comparing Narrow Spectral Artifact Line Finders to Enable Continuous Wave Searches in LIGO

Document #:
Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
Other Versions:
Continuous gravitational waves (CW) from sources such as a non-axisymmetric spinning neutron star have not yet been detected. If CW from neutron stars exist, the weak signals could be hidden within noise. The search for CW signals is impeded by the presence of narrow spectral artifacts (lines) caused by instrumentation or the environment at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO). Better identification of line noise would make a detection more likely, and a detection has the potential to expand our current knowledge of neutron stars. Studying and improving the Fscan line finder across normalized and non-normalized data could enable accurate line-finding on non-normalized data such that researchers at LIGO would not need to switch between normalized and non-normalized views, and make it easier and quicker for LIGO data quality shift workers to spot changes in lines.
Notes and Changes:
Slides for APS NW 2024 Annual Meeting

Comparing Narrow Spectral Artifact Line Finding algorithms with normalized and non-normalized data.

Associated with Events:
GWANW 2024 held from 24 Jun 2024 to 27 Jun 2024 in LIGO Hanford Observatory

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