08 Nov 2021, 07:57 |
Description of the content --
* O2-H0_Fig1.txt: Data behind Fig 1. The data p(G|z,D_GW) for the various events begin on line 5. There this one column for each of the events. The first column gives an array of z over which these data are sampled. Lines 1-4 act as a header and provide the median redhsifts and y intercepts marked on the plots.
* O2-H0_Fig2.txt: Data behind Fig 2.
* O2-H0_Fig3_Fig4.txt: H0 posterior samples with the canonical assumptions (for results shown in Figs 3 & 4). Posterior samples are released for each of the events individually as well as Joint BBH and Joint BBH + GW170817 with counterpart. The first column gives an array of H0 over which these data are sampled.
* O2-H0_Fig5_SNR11.txt: H0 posterior samples where the SNR threshold for selection criterion has been reduced to 11 (for Fig 5).
* O2-H0_Fig6L_alpha1p0.txt: H0 posterior samples with mass distribution alpha = 1.0 (for left panel of Fig. 6).
* O2-H0_Fig6L_alpha2p3.txt: H0 posterior samples with mass distribution alpha = 2.3 (for right panel of Fig. 6).
* O2-H0_Fig6R_Mmax50.txt: H0 posterior samples with upper cut-off for mass distribution Mmax = 50 (for right panel of Fig 6).
* O2-H0_Fig7_minus3.txt: H0 posterior samples with rate evolution exponent = -3 (for Fig 7).
* O2-H0_Fig7_plus3.txt: H0 posterior samples with rate evolution exponent = +3 (for Fig 7).
* O2-H0_Fig8_uniform.txt: H0 posterior samples with uniform weighting (for Fig 8).
* A script that reproduces all the plots of the paper with the above data.
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