LIGO Document E1700048-x0


Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
EOMs for the aLIGO squeezer.
We need four EOMs for each squezeer (in SQTZ0, former ISCT6):
  • one for 1064nm sideband to lock the PMC and for the high bandwidth TTFSS lock [broadband Newport 4004];
  • one for 1064nm sideband to lock the SHG [resonant QUBIG];
  • one for 532nm @ 80 MHz to lock the OPO [resonant QUBIG]
  • (O4 edition) one for 532 nm @ 40 MHz for filter cavity control [resonant QUBIG]

Existing units:
QUBIG 80 MHz: 2 units purchased for O3 (C1700792); 2 more units purchased as spares
  • one working on SQTZ0 at LHO
  • one failed at LLO LLO log 62592
  • LHO spare tuned at 79.78 MHz, LLO spare tuned at 79.2 MHz (installed with external signal generator while waiting for replacement)

QUBIG 40 MHz: 3 units purchased for O4 (C2000277)
  • one working on SQTZ0 at LHO (T2000604)
  • one failed at LLO LLO log 59606 , LLO now using the spare

QUBIG 24.1 MHz: 2 units purchased for O4 Break (C2300251)

LATEST ORDER Jan 15, 2023 ( Lisa is ordering 2 more 80 MHz and 2 more 40 MHz QUBIG EOMs after talking with Daniel and QUBIG vendor. Tuning issue will be resolved by making clear we need the exact frequency, plus ordering the manual tuning option. QUBIG is also going to investigate issues with the units that failed at LLO.
Shipment load to QUBIG:
Now all of the QUBIG units are in ICS, with the exception of the 80 MHz one currently installed at LHO (I don't have the serial number, TBC).
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