LIGO Document D990684-v1

Final "As-built" Vacuum Equipment Documents & Drawings for Initial LIGO

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
Final "As-built" Vacuum Equipment Drawings for Initial LIGO. This is a collection of all of the Process Systems International drawings of the Vacuum Equipment (VE) for initial LIGO. All drawings are "as-built".
Files in Document:
Other Files:
Notes and Changes:
version -v1 is identical to -00 Note that the version/revision column on the table of contents file is incorrect. The source files are AutoCAD (circa ~1999) For an organized pdf list see
Rev D990684-00-V:
- Full document number: LIGO-D990684-00-V
- Author(s): Richard Bagley
- Document date: 1999-03-31
- Document received date: 1999-11-18
- Document entry date: 1999-11-18
- ContDocNo: CT206
- Media: Cdrom

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