LIGO Document D1000225-v4

CUSTOM CABLE V25A-TBD (Various Lengths to be determined at manuf.)

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
02 May 2012, 10:13
21 Jul 2011, 16:27
02 Mar 2010, 08:58
25 PIN TO 25 PIN CUSTOM IN-VACUUM CABLEs with identical connectors and pinouts, but with five different lengths:
108", 180", 199", 209", and 230".
Files in Document:
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Notes and Changes:
Added the Standard cable length chart, added the part numbers for the PEEK braid and copper braid, changed the designators for the Electrical Notes. Changed the length callouts to TBD the length to be determined at time of manufacturing.

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