This notebook serves as a basic introduction to loading and viewing data released in association with the publications:
GW190521: A Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of 150 Msun avaliable
through PRL, arXiv, and LIGO-P2000020.
Properties and astrophysical implications of the 150 Msun binary black hole merger GW190521 avaliable
through ApjL, arXiv, and LIGO-P2000021.
The data used in this notebook must be downloaded from the public LIGO DCC page LIGO-P2000158.
In public DCC page LIGO-P2000158, you will find several data files:
- contains parameter estimation (PE) samples from many different runs:GW190521_studies_posterior_samples.h5
- contains parameter estimation (PE) samples from runs used for specialized studies; these should not be used in preference to the previous runs for most applications.luminosity_distance
set to 1 Mpc and redshift close to 0 for all samples, and hence all masses labeled _source
are not actually corrected for redshift. The radiated energy also does not have the redshift correction. The remnant BH properties and peak luminosity are not computed using spin evolution and are thus slightly less accurate than for other runs.GW190521_Ringdown_samples.tgz
is a tarball containing nine more h5 files with posterior samples for the ringdown analysis described in Section 3.2 and Figure 9 of LIGO-P2000021.GW190521_Implications_figure_data.tgz
is a tarball containing additional data needed to make Figures 5, 10, 11, 12, and 13 in LIGO-P2000021, including skymaps fits files.GW190521_discovery_Fig1.tgz
is a tarball containing additional data needed to make Figure 1 in LIGO-P2000020.GW190521_discovery_figs_pdf.tgz
- tarball containing all the figures from the GW190521 discovery paper LIGO-P2000020, in pdf.GW190521_Implications_Figures_pdf.tgz
- tarball containing all the figures in the GW190521 implications paper LIGO-P2000021, in pdf.GW190521_md5sums.txt
- containing md5sums for each of the h5 files.In this notebook we will primarily use the data in the file GW190521_posterior_samples.h5
The data file can be read in using the PESummary
or h5py
libraries. For this notebook we'll start with simple stuff using h5py. Then we'll use PESummary v0.7.0
to read the data files as well as for plotting. For general instructions on how to manipulate the data file and/or read this data file with h5py
, see the PESummary docs.
%matplotlib inline
# import useful python packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
Some simple stuff with "vanilla" h5py
# read in the data
fn = "GW190521_posterior_samples.h5"
data = h5py.File(fn,'r')
# browse the entire file
print('Contents of',fn,':')
for k1 in data.keys():
for k2 in data[k1].keys():
if (data[k1][k2].size == 1):
print(k1,k2,'No data')
# print out top-level data structures: waveform models
print(' ')
print('Top-level data structures:',data.keys())
# extract posterior samples for preferred waveform model
waveform = 'NRSur7dq4'
print(' ')
print('Data products for preferred waveform model,',waveform,':',data[waveform].keys())
# parameter names:
posterior_samples = data[waveform]['posterior_samples']
pnames = posterior_samples.dtype.fields.keys()
print('parameter names:',pnames)
# extract the samples data into an numpy array:
samples = np.array(posterior_samples).T
# get samples for one of the parameters
dL = samples['luminosity_distance']
print('dL shape, mean, std =',dL.shape,dL.mean(),dL.std())
# smooth it
from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde
hs = gaussian_kde(dL)
# histogram, and overlay the smoothed PDF
h, b, o = plt.hist(dL,bins=100)
hsmoothed = hs(b)*len(dL)*(b[1]-b[0])
plt.xlabel('luminosity distance')
plt.ylabel('posterior PDF')
# plot the PSDs used in this analysis
H1psd = data[waveform]['psds']['H1']
L1psd = data[waveform]['psds']['L1']
V1psd = data[waveform]['psds']['V1']
colors = {'H1':'r','L1':'c','V1':'m'}
for ifo in data[waveform]['psds'].keys():
fr = data[waveform]['psds'][ifo][()].T[0]
asd = np.sqrt(data[waveform]['psds'][ifo][()].T[1])
plt.xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('strain ASD (strain/rtHz)')
The main results in the paper are based on these waveform models:
['NRSur7dq4','IMRPhenomPv3HM', 'SEOBNRv4PHM']
where the preferred waveform model is 'NRSur7dq4' .
Some of the paper content is drawn from other waveform models:
[ 'NR', , 'NRSur7dq4_Lmax2', 'NRSur7dq4_Lmax2_coprecessing_modes', 'NRSur7dq4_Lmax3', 'NRSur7dq4_Lmax4', 'NRSur7dq4_aligned']
which we won't explore here.
Now extract the parameter values for each of the three waveform models, for Table 1
# compile and print out the data for Table 1 of the implications paper
from IPython.display import HTML, display
# this function returns confidence intervals for a parameter
def confidence_range(posterior,parameter,level):
posterior_for_parameter = posterior[parameter]
median = np.percentile(posterior_for_parameter,50)
lower_bound = - median + np.percentile(posterior_for_parameter,(100-level)/2.)
upper_bound = - median + np.percentile(posterior_for_parameter,100-(100-level)/2.)
# round to 4 digit precision
nsig = -int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(upper_bound)))) + (4 - 1)
median = np.around(median,nsig)
lower_bound = np.around(lower_bound,nsig)
upper_bound = np.around(upper_bound,nsig)
# read in the posterior samples, get medians and 90% CIs:
fn = "GW190521_posterior_samples.h5"
data = h5py.File(fn,'r')
waveforms = ['NRSur7dq4', 'IMRPhenomPv3HM', 'SEOBNRv4PHM']
inspiral_parameters = ['mass_1_source', 'mass_2_source', 'total_mass_source','chirp_mass_source', 'mass_ratio',
'mass_1', 'mass_2', 'total_mass','chirp_mass',
'a_1', 'a_2', 'tilt_1', 'tilt_2' , 'chi_eff', 'chi_p','final_mass_source', 'final_spin',
'radiated_energy', 'peak_luminosity','luminosity_distance', 'redshift', 'ra', 'dec']
results = []
for parameter in inspiral_parameters:
result = [parameter]
for waveform in waveforms:
samples = data[waveform]['posterior_samples']
r = confidence_range(samples,parameter,90)
# print some latex code. It will need to be hacked...
#print(f'{result[0]} & ${result[1]}'+'^{'+f'{result[2]}'+'}_{'+f'{result[3]}'+'}$ \\\\')
# print a nicely formatted table for reading
'<td>{}</td>'.format('</td><td>'.join(str(_) for _ in row)) for row in results)
Compute probabilities that the source frame masses are in the nominal PISN mass gap
waveforms = ['NRSur7dq4', 'IMRPhenomPv3HM', 'SEOBNRv4PHM']
nsig = 1
for waveform in waveforms:
samples = data[waveform]['posterior_samples']
m1 = samples['mass_1_source']
m2 = samples['mass_2_source']
Nsamp = m1.size
print('P(m1<=65) =',round(m1[m1<=65.].size/Nsamp*100.,nsig),'%')
print('P(m1<=50) =',round(m1[m1<=50.].size/Nsamp*100.,nsig),'%')
print('P(m1<=120) =',round(m1[m1<=120.].size/Nsamp*100.,nsig),'%')
print('P(m2<=65) =',round(m2[m2<=65.].size/Nsamp*100.,nsig),'%')
print('P(m2<=50) =',round(m2[m2<=50.].size/Nsamp*100.,nsig),'%')
print('P(m2<=120) =',round(m2[m2<=120.].size/Nsamp*100.,nsig),'%')
mm = m1[((m1<65.) | (m1>120.)) & ((m2<65.) | (m2>120.))]
print('P(m1,m2 not in [65,120]) = ',round(mm.size/m1.size*100.,nsig),'%')
mm = m1[((m1>65.) & (m1<120.)) | ((m2>65.) & (m2<120.))]
print('P(m1 or m2 in [65,120]) = ',round(mm.size/m1.size*100.,nsig),'%')
print(' ')
# we also need some numbers from HM runs, so read those in:
studies_samples_fn = "GW190521_studies_posterior_samples.h5"
studies_samples_data = h5py.File(studies_samples_fn,'r')
hm_waveforms = ['NRSur7dq4_Lmax2','NRSur7dq4_Lmax4']
hm_parameters = ['mass_1_source', 'mass_2_source', 'mass_ratio', 'chi_eff', 'chi_p','luminosity_distance', 'redshift','iota']
hm_results = []
for parameter in hm_parameters:
result = [parameter]
for waveform in hm_waveforms:
samples = studies_samples_data[waveform]['posterior_samples']
r = confidence_range(samples,parameter,90)
# print a nicely formatted table for reading
'<td>{}</td>'.format('</td><td>'.join(str(_) for _ in row)) for row in hm_results)
# compute Bayes Factors for spin precession and HMs.
def get_BF_data(BF_data):
BFn = BF_data['meta_data']['sampler']['ln_bayes_factor'][0]
lnz = BF_data['meta_data']['sampler']['ln_evidence'][0]
H = BF_data['meta_data']['other']['information_nats'][0]
nsamp = BF_data['meta_data']['sampler']['nsamples'][0]
nlive = BF_data['meta_data']['other']['number_live_points'][0]
return BFn, lnz, H, nsamp, nlive
# # get BF(s/n), ln(evidence), information gain (nats) Nsamples and live points for the reference model:
BF1, lnz1, H1, nsamp1, nlive1 = get_BF_data(data['NRSur7dq4'])
print('NRSur PHM','BFs/n, lnz, H, nsamp, nlive =', BF1, lnz1, round(H1,2), nsamp1, nlive1,'\n')
# models to compare:
BFinputs = {'aligned spin': studies_samples_data['NRSur7dq4_spinaligned'],
'No spin': studies_samples_data['NRSur7dq4_nospin'],
'Only l2m2': studies_samples_data['NRSur7dq4_l2m2']}
print("GW190521 Bayes factor of NRSur PHM vs:")
for k in BFinputs.keys():
# get BF(s/n), ln(evidence), information gain (nats) Nsamples and live points for alternative models
BF2, lnz2, H2, nsamp2, nlive2 = get_BF_data(BFinputs[k])
print(k,'BFs/n, lnz, H, nsamp, nlive =', BF2, lnz2, round(H2,2), nsamp2, nlive2)
# compute bayes factor between models
bf = np.exp(lnz1 - lnz2)
# compute theoretical error in the natural log of BF (Skilling p.844)
delta_ln_bf = np.sqrt(H1/nlive1+ H2/nlive2)
# compute BF upper and lower limits
bf_p = bf*np.exp(delta_ln_bf)
bf_m = bf*np.exp(-delta_ln_bf)
# print out the log10 BFs
print('\t log_10 BF = %.3f +%.3f -%.3f' % (np.log10(bf), np.log10(bf_p/bf), np.log10(bf/bf_m)))
# Done with simple stuff using `h5py` ; release memory for the data
del data
del studies_samples_data
Now use PESummary (v0.7.0 or greater) to read the data files as well as for plotting.
# import ligo-specific python packages.
# pesummary is a ligo-specific python package
# for reading and plotting the results of Bayesian parameter estimation.
# Install with "pip install pesummary" , and make sure you have version >= 0.7.0.
import pesummary
from import read
There are 3 different waveform models that were used to analyze GW190521 and they are all stored in the data file.
fn = "GW190521_posterior_samples.h5"
data = read(fn)
labels = data.labels
To illustrate the data structure we'll pick the preferred waveform model and plot its parameter samples.
waveform = "NRSur7dq4"
samples_dict = data.samples_dict
posterior_samples = samples_dict[waveform]
prior_samples = data.priors["samples"][waveform]
parameters = posterior_samples.keys()
As an example, we'll show the different posterior distributions derived for a single waveform and the posterior distribution derived using the different approximants for the luminosity_distance
parameter = "luminosity_distance"
fig = posterior_samples.plot(parameter, type="hist", prior=prior_samples[parameter])
fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)
parameter = "luminosity_distance"
waveforms = ['NRSur7dq4', 'IMRPhenomPv3HM', 'SEOBNRv4PHM']
fig = samples_dict.plot(parameter, type="hist", kde=True, labels=waveforms)
fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)
Make a corner plot (this takes some time):
fig = posterior_samples.plot(type="corner", parameters=["mass_1_source", "mass_2_source",
"chirp_mass_source", "total_mass_source"])
The psds that were used for each analysis can also be extracted from this file and plotted
psd = data.psd[waveform]
fig = psd.plot(fmin=11.)
fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)
The calibration envelopes that were used in this analysis can also be extracted from this file and plotted
from import _calibration_envelope_plot
prior = data.priors["calibration"]["NRSur7dq4"]
calibration = data.calibration["NRSur7dq4"]
ifos = list(calibration.keys())
frequencies = np.arange(20., 1024., 1. / 4)
calibration_data, prior_data = [], []
for ifo in ifos:
fig = _calibration_envelope_plot(frequencies, calibration_data, ifos, prior=prior_data)
fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)
The configuration file that were used for each analysis can also be extracted from this file
config = data.config["NRSur7dq4"]
for i in config.keys():
for key, item in config[i].items():
print("{}={}".format(key, item)) # .decode("utf-8")