GW170817: Implications for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Compact Binary Coalescences
Plots from the publication
Figure 1a -- PI Curves and Omega for BBH, BNS, and total backgrounds
% load in data for Omega tmp=load('omega.dat'); omega.freq=tmp(:,1); omega.bbh=tmp(:,3); omega.bns=tmp(:,6);,8);,9);,10); % load in data for PI curves tmp=load('pi.dat'); pi.freq=tmp(:,1); pi.O2=tmp(:,2); pi.O3=tmp(:,3); pi.Design=tmp(:,4); % Poisson uncertainty band cut1 = omega.freq<= 1500 & omega.freq>=10; ff1 = omega.freq(cut1); xx_stat1a = [ff1;flipud(ff1)]; yy_stat1a = [;flipud(]; % text sizes ts = 16; % text label size fs = 20; % axes label font size afs = 16; % axes font size lw = 2; % line width % color specifications ctot = [31,120,180]/256; % color for total background cband = [.9,0.9,0.9]; % color for total poisson error band cbns = [227,26,28]/256; % color for BNS median curve cbbh = [51,160,44]/256; % color for BBH median curve figure; hh = axes; set(hh,'FontSize',afs) legs = zeros(1,7); % initiate legend array % plot total background estimates with error bars legs(5)=fill(xx_stat1a, yy_stat1a, cband, 'DisplayName','Poisson'); hold on set(gca,'xscale','log');set(gca,'yscale','log'); loglog(omega.freq,,'-','linewidth',lw,'Color', cband); loglog(omega.freq,,'-','linewidth',lw,'Color', cband); % plot sensitivity curves legs(1) = loglog(pi.freq,pi.O2,'k-','linewidth',lw,'DisplayName','O2'); legs(2) = loglog(pi.freq,pi.O3,'k-.','linewidth',lw,'DisplayName','O3'); legs(3) = loglog(pi.freq,pi.Design,'k--','linewidth',lw,'DisplayName','Design'); % plot median BNS legs(6) = loglog(omega.freq,omega.bns,'Color',cbns,'linewidth',lw,'DisplayName','BNS only'); % plot median BBH legs(7) = loglog(omega.freq,omega.bbh,'Color',cbbh,'linewidth',lw, 'DisplayName','BBH only'); % plot median total background legs(4) = loglog(omega.freq,,'Color',ctot,'linewidth',lw,'DisplayName','Total'); % axes limits and labels axis([10 1000 2e-10 1e-6]) xlabel('Frequency (Hz)','FontSize',fs) ylabel('\Omega_{GW}','FontSize',fs) grid on % font sizes hh.FontSize = afs; % legend leg=legend(legs,'Location','NorthEast'); legend boxoff; leg.FontSize = ts;
Figure 1b -- Running SNR
% load in data tmp=load('running_SNR.dat'); total.time=tmp(:,1); total.snr.min=tmp(:,2);,3); total.snr.max=tmp(:,4); % Poisson uncertainty band Time = total.time; y_min = total.snr.min; y_med =; y_max = total.snr.max; X_stat = [Time;flipud(Time)]; Y_stat = [y_min;flipud(y_max)]; % observing times and labels o1obs = 4; %months o2obs = o1obs+9; %months o3obs = o2obs+12; % months o4obs = o3obs+12; % months o5obs = o4obs+24; % months rlabels = {'O1','O2','O3','Near Design','Design'}; % get index for start of each observing run t1 = find((abs(Time-o1obs)) == min(abs(Time-o1obs))); t2 = find((abs(Time-o2obs)) == min(abs(Time-o2obs))); t3 = find((abs(Time-o3obs)) == min(abs(Time-o3obs))); t4 = find((abs(Time-o4obs)) == min(abs(Time-o4obs))); t5 = find((abs(Time-o5obs)) == min(abs(Time-o5obs))); % plot figure %text sizes ts = 16; % text label size fs = 20; % axes label font size afs = 16; % axes font size ms = 30; % markder size % color specifications cband = [.9,0.9,0.9]; % color for total poisson error band ctot = [31,120,180]/256; % color for total background figure; hh = axes; set(hh,'FontSize',afs); semilogy(Time,y_med, 'b-', 'linewidth', 2); hold on; poisson = fill(X_stat(2:end-1), Y_stat(2:end-1), cband); semilogy(X_stat(2:end-1), Y_stat(2:end-1), '-','Color',cband,'linewidth',2); % SNR=1 line semilogy([0 100], [1 1], 'k--', 'linewidth', 1.5); % SNR=3 line semilogy([0 100], [3 3], 'k--', 'linewidth', 1.5); % SNR=5 line semilogy([0 100], [5 5], 'k--', 'linewidth', 1.5); % total background SNR tot = semilogy(Time,y_med,'Color',ctot,'linewidth',2); % plot markers for observing runs plot(Time(t1),y_med(t1),'.','Color',ctot,'MarkerSize',ms) plot(Time(t2),y_med(t2),'.','Color',ctot,'MarkerSize',ms) plot(Time(t3),y_med(t3),'.','Color',ctot,'MarkerSize',ms) plot(Time(t4),y_med(t4),'.','Color',ctot,'MarkerSize',ms) % font sizes hh.FontSize = afs; % labels and legend xlabel('Observation time (months)', 'FontSize', fs); ylabel('SNR','FontSize',fs); leg = legend([tot, poisson], 'total', 'Poisson', 'Location', 'SouthEast'); legend boxoff; leg.FontSize = ts; grid on axis([0 48 1e-3 20]) % labels tc = ctot; % text color text(2, 6.25, '5\sigma', 'FontSize', ts); text(2, 3.75, '3\sigma', 'FontSize', ts); text(2, 1.25, '\sigma', 'FontSize', ts); text(1, 5.e-3, rlabels(1), 'FontSize', ts, 'Color',tc); text(o1obs+1, 2.5e-2, rlabels(2), 'FontSize', ts, 'Color',tc); text(o2obs+1, 9e-2, rlabels(3), 'FontSize', ts, 'Color',tc); text(o3obs+1, 1.25, rlabels(4), 'FontSize', ts, 'Color',tc); text(o4obs+1, 1.9, rlabels(5), 'FontSize', ts, 'Color',tc);
Figure 2 -- Time series for BBH and BNS
% load data % BNS tmp=load('bns_time_series.dat'); t1=tmp(:,1)-800000000; y1=tmp(:,2); % BBH tmp=load('bbh_time_series.dat'); t2=tmp(:,1)-800000000; y2=tmp(:,2); % plot figure % text sizes ts = 16; % text label size fs = 16; % axes label font size afs = 12; % axes font size lw = 2; % line width lw2 = 1.2; % line width for inset % color specifications cbns = [227,26,28]/256; % color for BNS median curve cbbh = [51,160,44]/256; % color for BBH median curve % plot figure figure; hh = axes; set(hh,'FontSize',afs); % Adjust XY label font handxlabel1 = get(gca, 'XLabel'); set(handxlabel1, 'FontSize', fs); %, 'FontWeight', 'bold') handylabel1 = get(gca, 'ylabel'); set(handylabel1, 'FontSize', fs); %, 'FontWeight', 'bold') %BNSs h(1)=plot(t1,y1,'Color',cbns,'LineWidth',lw); hold on; %BBHs h(2)=plot(t2,y2,'Color',cbbh,'LineWidth',lw); % legend leg=legend(h([1 2]),'BNS','BBH'); legend boxoff; leg.FontSize = ts; grid on; set(gca,'fontsize',fs); xlabel('Time (s)','FontSize',fs); ylabel('h(t)','FontSize',fs); axis([0 10000 -1.9e-22 1.5e-22]); % inset % define the region we will show in the inset inset_xmin=1800; inset_xmax=2600; inset_ymin=-1.5e-23; inset_ymax=1.5e-23; % plot the rectangle line([inset_xmin inset_xmax],[inset_ymin inset_ymin],'color','k'); line([inset_xmax inset_xmax],[inset_ymin inset_ymax],'color','k'); line([inset_xmax inset_xmin],[inset_ymax inset_ymax],'color','k'); line([inset_xmin inset_xmin],[inset_ymax inset_ymin],'color','k'); % make the inset inset_axes = axes('Position',[0.4,0.12,0.5,0.16]); % make axes and set position plot(t1,y1,'Color',cbns) % plot data hold on plot(t2,y2,'Color',cbbh,'LineWidth',lw2); grid on; axis([inset_xmin inset_xmax inset_ymin inset_ymax]); % crop it to region we want % adjust axes properties inset_axes.XTickLabel = {''}; inset_axes.YTickLabel = {''};